Starting a Blog!
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Dev Dumpling! The blog that will focus on various different topics and ideas exploring game design and development. Each topic will probably be wildly different from one another until I find my footing as I’ve never really done something like this before. So far I have ideas for game analysis, devlogs, and various other rants.

To start this off right I think it’s best if I give a bit of an introduction. Hello I’m John Haley, a game designer, student, and workaholic. I’ve made quite a lot of games with plans on making a lot more and I’m hoping to strengthen my game design muscles by starting this blog. I’ve won awards for game jams, released mobile games, experimented with augmented reality tools, messed with vr applications, and have even made games that connect to your brain through the power of Neurotechnology! I really like experimenting with different methods of play and I think it’s been an amazing tool for learning game design.

It’s been quite a journey to reach the point I am now even be able to say all that. I grew up quite poor in rural Mississippi and through my love for all things game dev I was able to push through many of the obstacles in my life. I’m hoping that this blog will also give me a chance to insert some funny stories from my time growing up It will also be nice to look back on this every now and then since there is still quite a long road ahead of me since I am still only a sophomore in college.
So yeah! That’s all I have for now. Stay tuned for some crazy shenanigans in the future as I comb through the several ideas I have for the next post!